
designing with blurred intent


- CNC Routing | 3D Printing | Casting

[Spring 2017 UNCC]

It is often a critique of digital fabrication that the final product is ignorant of its process. Many aim to achieve replicas of what is seen on the computer screen and marks of its process judged as undesirable imperfections.

When fabricating, there is an opportunity lying with the understanding of how each step in a process can inform the other. Understanding these relationships can make for a more efficient approach, but also enables the opportunity to expose the idiosyncracies of each step.

Here a concept of a digital-through-physical process was experimented with. Geometric abstractions were staged in a floating, historically fictional site to be excavated via CNC. Once uncovered, they transformed into an articulated piece combining multiple methods and materials chosen for their ability to effectively express what was uncovered and projected. There were intentional patterns, but also intentional gaps in the process in order to make room for accidents. Many of the resulting textures and discrepancies were a result.

Excavation_Mill Diagram-05.png